Monday, August 27, 2012

USA road trip complete

Obviously we made it back to Australia safe and sound and with a rather straight forward final leg of flight back to Perth. It was such a fun trip and one we will remember for a long long time. We enjoyed it so much that we seriously considered relocating to the States on a permanent basis, looking into houses for sale and how we could legally immigrate there. Basically without a million dollars or a US based company prepared to offer one of us work, it just wasn't going to happen. I guess we will just have to go back there for another holiday one day...

I had set the goal as part of my 40 before 40 to keep this blog up to date and I think posting every entry from the road trip kind of qualifies but I still have another 5 years to cross of everything else off my list and keep this blog up to date in the process.

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