Thursday, June 14, 2012

Has it really been a year already?

It is fun watching movies set in the USA as 90% of the time I get to say "been there" - although I have started to cut back on doing that (mainly because I was annoying myself!). While it is a hoot and a holler to reminisce, I am amazed that it has been a year since we left on the holiday of a lifetime. Looking back at it, the 3 months we drove around the United States flew by so fast at the time that I had difficulty making sure I didn't fall behind in writing up each day's adventures in my journal. Some days were harder than others, like when we were sleeping in a tent in the middle of a forest. It's hard trying to write by moonlight - believe me, I've tried!

I have wanted to revisit my travel journal and so I have decided that I will post my journal entries here, on this blog. I will post each entry exactly as I wrote it in my Smiggle Travel Diary and try to post at least one new image for each day (considering we took over 1000 photos on the trip, it shouldn't be too hard). For the adventurous reader with nothing better to do, I will only post one entry a day so people can experience the journey exactly as my wife and I did. I am excited as I open the journal for the first time in almost a year... here's what it looked like at the start of the journey:

Smiggle Travel Diary

I guess you could say that if nothing else, this will be a good test of whether or not I can keep this blog up to date. I am excited to revisit the journey and I hope you are ready for 15,000 miles of road trip fun!

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