With Christmas just around the corner and with several other people already talking about what they would like to get, I thought I may as well start my own Christmas wish list.

When I first saw
The Daddy Saddle I couldn't help but giggle, but once I got past that initial reaction, I thought that this would actually be kind of cool. I have no idea if this is a hoax or a real item, or how much they are worth, but if they aren't too expensive, this would be a good one for either me or Squishy :)

Frontline DVD Boxset would be great as this is a classic Australian TV series that satirises TV news - it is funny because it is so true! I enjoyed the show when I first watched it but since having now worked in that industry, I believe that the funniness level will be higher than ever! It would also be good because it would mean I get to cross number 28 of my 40 list - two birds with one DVD boxset...

These vintage
Star Wars Blueprints are only $6 on
eBay (plus postage) and would be a great, nopt only because it is a vintage collectable, but because I have a fascination with blueprints and science fiction design. Plus, Squishy loves all things robot orientated and droid blueprints would be just what I need to build a full scale (inert) R2-D2!

I have always wanted a
remote controlled Dalek and not just to terrorise the cat! These are super cool and fit in nicely with Squishy's robot themed nursery - yes, I know that Daleks aren't robots, but try telling that to
Lesterton! Of course any other Doctor Who robot-esque item would be cool (think K-9), and there are numerous
Doctor Who DVDs out there that I would love to fill in a couple of gaps in my collection, but you would need to check which ones those are. Otherwise really cool Doctor Who merchandise would be great, but it has to be really awesome - I have enough coffee cups!

I would really love a working super 8 camera like the
Canon 1014 so I can film on actual film, as apposed to digitally. Sure, some might say that the 1014 XLS is a better camera as far as function goes, but as far as nice looking pieces of equipment go, I think the XLS looks like an ugly black plastic box. I have a couple of super 8 cameras already but I can't get them working (a wiring problem perhaps). However, if someone is looking at this list and has a bit more money that they want to splash my way, then a nice 16mm Bolex would be fantastic... although I have no idea where I would find 16mm film...

A lot of people don't like giving gift vouchers because they think it can be interpreted as "I couldn't be bothered thinking of what to get you so I just got you a voucher" but I interpret it as "I don't want to get you a lame present like glow in the dark stickers so here is a voucher for you to get yourself something you really want".
Amazon is probably the best place but I would be just as happy with either
Collins Booksellers or
JB Hifi. I don't think
Think Geek do vouchers... but if they did, I would be getting
this quality item!
Are there other things that I would like... probably but I can't think of them off the top of my head... I know how difficult it can be trying to think of the perfect gift for someone, so I hope that this list has helped anyone who is trying to find something for the geek who has everything.
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