Monday, March 28, 2011

One week on...

So it has been a week since I declared to the world that I was going to set myself forty goals before I reached the 40th anniversary of the day of my birth, and I have to say that I have surprised myself at how productive that week has been.

Item #7 - Sketch Comedy Series
The ideas have been pouring out of my head like a washing machine on the drain cycle: lots of little bits of dirty material. In general though the scripts are coming along in a slow fashion but I see the remainder of this year being set to getting the scripts written with production starting during summer.

Item #8 - deLorean Time Machine
I realized the other day that this goal is the most expensive and as such the most likely goal to not be achieved. So that I can claim partial success on this goal, I have expanded the goal to not only get a full scale drivable replica deLorean time machine but to collect as many replica time machines as possible.

As the deLorean is a specialist item I have decided to start with something I can build relatively easily. As such, I am going to start off by building a TARDIS.

Item #11 - "The Art Of War"
I have both a paperback copy and a Kindle ebook and I have started reading - this may just be the first goal I will complete...

Item #40 - regular blog posting
Although this is the first update, I think its a good start

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